local seo strategies for small business
24 May 2024 / Published in Digital Marketing, Local SEO, SEO

What is Local SEO?

Nowadays, people use search engines a lot to find local businesses near them. This is why local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for small businesses. Local SEO is a particular type of SEO that helps your business show up better in searches related to your location. By using good local SEO strategies for small businesses can get more potential customers, bring more people to their physical store or office, and make more money. Local SEO helps your business be more visible and accessible to people searching for what you offer in your area. It’s a great way to attract new customers who are interested and live or work nearby.

Importance of Local SEO for Small Businesses

Local SEO has become a critical component of any small business’s marketing strategy. As consumers increasingly turn to search engines to find local products and services, having a strong online presence optimized for location-based queries is essential for driving traffic, generating leads, and ultimately growing your customer base. Through effective local SEO, small businesses can enhance their visibility, reach their target audience more effectively, and ultimately gain a competitive edge in their local markets.

One of the primary benefits of local SEO for small businesses is improved discoverability. By optimizing your website, business listings, and online content for local searches, you increase the chances of your business appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when potential customers are searching for products or services like yours in their immediate vicinity. This heightened visibility can lead to a significant increase in foot traffic, phone calls, and online inquiries, ultimately translating into more sales and revenue for your small business.

Optimizing Your Google My Business Listing

As a small business, having a well-optimized Google My Business (GMB) listing is crucial for local SEO success. Your GMB profile is often the first point of contact for potential customers searching for your products or services in your local area, so it’s essential to ensure it’s complete, accurate, and engaging.

  • Claim and verify your listing

The first step is to claim your GMB listing and verify your business ownership. This process helps Google confirm the legitimacy of your business and ensures you have complete control over your listing’s content.

  • Optimize your profile

Fill out your GMB profile completely, including your business name, address, phone number, business hours, and a detailed description of your products or services. Use relevant, keyword-rich language to improve your visibility in local search results.

  • Add High-Quality Photos

Enhance your GMB listing by uploading high-quality, visually appealing images of your business, products, and services. These visual elements can help attract potential customers and make your listing more engaging.

  • Encourage Reviews

Actively encourage your satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on your GMB listing. Positive reviews not only build trust and credibility but also contribute to your overall local SEO ranking.

  • Respond to Reviews

Whether positive or negative, respond to all reviews in a timely and professional manner. This shows potential customers that you care about their opinions and are dedicated to providing excellent service.

  • Keep Information Updated

Regularly monitor and update your GMB listing to ensure all information, such as business hours, contact details, and special offers, is accurate and up-to-date. This helps maintain the trust and confidence of your local customer base.

By optimizing your Google My Business listing, you can significantly improve your small business’s local online presence and visibility. This will ultimately drive more qualified leads and increase customer conversions in your target market.

Utilizing Local Citations and Directory Listings

Beyond optimizing your Google My Business listing, leveraging local citations and directory listings on local listing websites is a crucial component of an effective local SEO strategy for small businesses. Local citations are online references to your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP), often found on directories, websites, and social media platforms. These citations help search engines like Google verify the accuracy and credibility of your business information, ultimately improving your local search visibility and rankings.

Claiming and optimizing your presence on popular online directories, such as Yelp, Yellowpages, and Bing Places, can significantly boost your local SEO efforts. Ensure that your NAP information is consistent and accurate across all these platforms, as inconsistencies can negatively impact your search rankings. Additionally, supplement your directory listings with detailed business descriptions, relevant keywords, photos, and customer reviews to make your small business stand out.

Creating Localized Content and Blog Posts

As a small business, creating localized content and maintaining an active blog can be a highly effective way to boost your local SEO efforts. By crafting content that is tailored to your specific geographic location and target audience, you can establish your small business as an authoritative and trusted resource within your community.

Start by researching the keywords and search queries that your potential customers in the local area are using to find businesses like yours. Incorporate these location-specific keywords naturally into your website’s pages, blog posts, and other content to improve your visibility in local search results. For example, suppose you own a digital marketing agency in Hyderabad. In that case, you might create blog posts around “the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad ” or “the best digital marketing services agency in Hyderabad.”

Implementing On-Page SEO Tactics

While optimizing your online presence through channels like Google My Business and local citations is crucial, implementing effective on-page SEO tactics is equally important for small businesses seeking to boost their visibility in local search results.

  • Optimize Page Titles and Meta Descriptions

Ensure that your website’s page titles and meta descriptions are compelling, informative, and include relevant local keywords. These elements are crucial in attracting potential customers who are searching for businesses like yours in their local area.

  • Improve Page Load Speed

Optimize your website’s performance by compressing images, minifying code, and leveraging caching techniques. Fast-loading pages not only provide a better user experience but are also a ranking factor for local SEO, as search engines prioritize websites that offer quick access to information.

  • Enhance Internal Linking Structure

Build a logical and user-friendly internal linking structure that guides visitors through your website and helps search engines better understand the relationships between your pages. This can include linking relevant local-focused content to your homepage or service pages.

  • Implement Schema Markup

Utilize schema markup, a form of structured data, to provide search engines with more detailed information about your small business, such as your address, operating hours, and services. This can lead to enhanced SERP listings and increased visibility for local searchers.

Generating Positive Online Reviews

generation online positive reviews

As a small business, cultivating a solid online reputation through positive reviews is a critical component of your local SEO strategy. In today’s digital landscape, where consumers increasingly rely on online reviews to inform their purchasing decisions, having a steady stream of glowing testimonials can significantly boost your small business’s trust and reliability with potential customers.

  • Encourage Customer Feedback

Make it a priority to ask your satisfied customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing, Yelp page, or other relevant platforms. This can be as simple as including a friendly request for feedback on your receipts, invoices, or follow-up emails. Offer incentives, such as discounts or small gifts, to motivate your customers to share their positive experiences.

  • Leverage Positive Reviews

Once you have accumulated a collection of positive reviews, please make the most of them by prominently displaying them on your small business’s website, social media profiles, and other online platforms. Showcase customer testimonials that highlight your unique products, services, or exceptional experience. This not only builds trust with potential customers but also reinforces the positive sentiment surrounding your small business in the local community.

Utilizing Local Link Building Strategies

As a small business, building a solid local link profile is a crucial component of your overall SEO strategy. Local link building involves acquiring backlinks from other reputable websites, directories, and online resources that are geographically relevant to your business. By leveraging these local link-building tactics, you can not only improve your small business’s search engine visibility but also establish your brand as a trusted authority within your community.

  • Collaborate with Local Influencers and Bloggers

Reach out to influential local bloggers, community leaders, or other small business owners in your area and explore opportunities for guest posting, co-branded content, or cross-promotions. These partnerships can not only generate valuable backlinks but also help you tap into new audiences and strengthen your local reputation.

  • Leverage Local Event and Sponsorship Opportunities

Actively participate in and sponsor local events, charities, or community initiatives. By aligning your small business with these local causes, you can earn backlinks from the event websites or organizers, further solidifying your presence in the community and improving your local search visibility.

  • Encourage Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Positive customer reviews, and testimonials on your website, Google My Business listing, and other relevant platforms can serve as valuable local link signals. Encourage your satisfied clients to share their experiences, and then leverage these endorsements to build relationships with local bloggers or media outlets.

Tracking and Analyzing Local SEO Performance

To further analyze your local SEO performance, consider tracking additional metrics such as:

  • Local search rankings for your top keywords
  • Organic click-through rates from local search results
  • Customer reviews and ratings on your Google My Business listing and other directories
  • Share of voice compared to your local competitors
  • Foot traffic and in-store conversions from local online searches

By monitoring these metrics on a regular basis, you can identify areas for improvement, optimize your local SEO strategy, and make informed decisions to drive even stronger results for your small business.

Staying Up-to-Date with Local SEO Trends

stay upto date with local trends and local seo strategies

The search engine optimization strategies that work today may become outdated or less effective tomorrow, so it’s essential to monitor industry trends and adjust your approach accordingly.

Follow Industry Blogs and Influencers:

  • Regularly read reputable local SEO blogs.
  • Listen to industry podcasts.
  • Engage with influential local search experts on social media.

This will help you stay ahead of the curve and gain insights into the latest algorithmic changes, best practices, and emerging local SEO tactics that you can implement for your small business.

Regularly Audit and Adjust Your Local SEO Efforts:

  • Continuously monitor your small business’s local search performance.
  • Review your existing strategies.
  • Make necessary adjustments to ensure you’re staying on top of the latest local SEO trends.

This may involve updating your Google My Business listing, refining your content optimization, or exploring new citation and link-building opportunities.

Embrace Emerging Local SEO Technologies:

Keep an eye out for innovative local SEO technologies, such as voice search optimization, location-based mobile marketing, and augmented reality applications, that can help you engage with your target audience in more personalized and impactful ways. Adapting to these emerging trends can give your small business a competitive edge in your local market.

Collaborate with Local SEO Experts

Consider partnering with a reputable local SEO agency or consultant who can provide you with the expertise and resources needed to navigate the constantly evolving local search landscape. These professionals can help you identify new opportunities, implement best practices, and stay ahead of the curve in your local market.

Boost Your Business with ITInfo Digital Local SEO Services

In Conlusion , Implementing effective local SEO strategies for small businesses will improve their visibility and attract more local customers. By optimizing your Google My Business profile, using local keywords, and building local citations, you can significantly boost your search rankings and grow your customer base.

At ITinfo Digital, we specialize in providing the best Local SEO services in Hyderabad. Our expert team is dedicated to helping your small business succeed locally. With tailored strategies that cater specifically to your business needs, we ensure you stand out in local search results. Our comprehensive approach includes on-page optimization, local link building, and reputation management, all aimed at driving more local traffic to your business.

Local SEO strategies are essential for small businesses to boost their online visibility and attract local customers. By optimizing your Google My Business profile, using local keywords, and building local citations, you can improve your search rankings. These efforts help customers find your business more efficiently and increase foot traffic and sales. For top-notch Local SEO services in Hyderabad, trust ITinfo Digital to help your business succeed. Partner with us today to grow your local presence effectively.



11 September 2023 / Published in SEO

“Google might be the world’s largest search engine in the world, but it is by no means the only one.” – Eli Schwartz, Growth Advisor at Eli Schwartz

Whenever someone needs clarification, they’ll look it up on Google.

However, such is not the case in China or Russia. Ranking in Google in China might not work in the brand’s favor because they are keen on Baidu, and the same is true with Yandex for Russia.

Thus, creating content that ranks on all the search engines is advisable for the brands that have an international user base.

Most content created is in the form of written words. Images and videos also work miracles, but written content will always be vital.

There are two types of writing involved in digital marketing, and most people confuse these two:

  • Content Writing
  • Copywriting

In layman’s words, content writing is to educate the users, and copywriting is to persuade them to associate with the brand.

The copywriter of the company is responsible for creating content that is crisp and attractive and will enable users to take a step further and buy the product. At the same time, a content writer provides detailed information to the user in the form of blogs, white papers, or a thesis.

Amalgamation of both in varied percentages is what helps the website rank higher on search engines. Below mentioned are the tips and tricks by top copywriting companies to grow their business with the help of SEO copywriting.

All while you can also learn about how to grow business with content marketing by clicking – grow-business-with-content-marketing.

  1. Find what questions people ask

    The work of a copywriter becomes more accessible if they focus on what people want. If brands figure out what questions people ask pertaining to their brand and answer those questions, they will be persuaded to associate themselves with the brand.

    For example, if a car tyre company would answer questions like different kinds of tyres, how often a car should change tyres, how to figure out the year of making, etc., the customer will not have to take the pain of asking those questions separately.

  2. Analyze top-ranking content:

    Research is a crucial part of writing, be it any kind. And the brands should keep analyzing more content as to why it is liked by people. Be it stuff from competitors or someone from a similar field.

    Yes, it is true that quality content ranks higher, but one must know how to make it attractive as well.

    For example, for digital marketing articles, people often look up various sites like Search Engine Journal, SemRush, or Ahrefs, not only because of their quality content but also because their articles make sense, which in return persuades people to use their services like buying paid subscriptions or using their paid tools.

  3. Getting to the point ASAP:

    At times, copywriters might deviate from the point, but they will neither rank the website higher on search engines nor would convert the users. If anything, it will bore them to the point that they will abandon the website.

    Hence, it is crucial to clear the point or motive of the content as quickly as possible. Copywriting is not the same as content writing, where you can keep elaborating things for pages and pages. Remember, it is not a thesis or research paper. It is copywriting, and the content needs to be short and crispy.

  4. Have an oomph factor:

    Copywriting is often mistaken as business writing. And that formal language is a must. No, that is not true. Copywriting needs to be fun and give the users reasons and encouragement to buy the product, or it is safe to say products with an S.

    It needs to have an oomph factor in it without losing the focus of the message.

    If you take the website of The Toast, for example, they publish weird and witty articles that are not only fun to read but will attract the most writers to submit their articles as it gives them a chance to be authentic.

    Check out their ‘About page’; the writer in you would surely want to associate with this brand. And why not? It is the perfect example of a website with great copywriting that ranks higher and converts.

  5. The writing style = ETIP

    Even after brainstorming and discussions, the copywriters cannot think of something new, something with an oomph factor to come up with and follow the ETIP method. What is that BTW? Well, ETIP means – Elements, Three-lines paragraphs, Images, and Videos, and Proofreading.

    The first step to copywriting is to create content that has a mixture of various Elements like quotes, tag lines, etc. By incorporating this into the copy, many can share it on different social media platforms. When people see the stuff worth sharing, it becomes a success.

    The next step is creating the content in a shorter form. Any content that is shorter in form is easy to consume and digest. Long paragraphs take more work to read and process. Three is a magical number while paragraphing the content. Thus, make three-line paragraphs; a sentence should contain at most 15 words.

    People over “bland written content” favor written content paired with Images and Videos. They bring a little “something extra” to the content. It shows that the person wants users to buy the product, and he is ready to go a little extra mile for that. Plus, multimedia content is preferred by GenZ, Millennials as well as Boomers.

    And last but the most essential stage is to proofread the written content. Publishing any text without proofreading might sink the ship of the brand, which is why it is necessary to plan the content needed to be published well in advance. Otherwise, it is like preparing for the doom of the company.


SEO copywriting isn’t just about ranking on the search engines; it is about getting the users to buy your products and keep buying them. No user would want to pay for the products whose content is poorly written.
The packaging needs to be as good and attractive as the content. And brands need to remember that!!!

SEO for Higher Educational Institutions
15 February 2023 / Published in SEO, Uncategorized

Agenda of this Article:


Why Are Some Educational Institutions Not Using SEO?
1. Not having faith in marketing.
2. Lack of understanding
3. Misconceptions

Why Is SEO Important for Higher Education Institutions?
8 Steps
1. Make a technical website audit
2. Analyze competitor information and your online visibility
3. Perform keyword research and on-page evaluations
4. Mobile-Friendly Website for Schools & Colleges
5. Improve web pages
6. Creating valuable and informative content
7. Measuring the effectiveness of your SEO efforts
8. Use link-building strategies
Boost Your Digital Marketing with ITinfo Digital


When it comes to maximizing their online visibility and reachability, many educational institutions fail to see the importance and value of investing in search engine optimization (SEO). Despite its well-known industry benefits, SEO for educational institutions sometimes overlook and its potential to drive traffic to their sites and promote awareness. In this article, we will take a look at the three common reasons Why SEO for Educational Institutions isn’t being used by institutions, and how they can make the most of SEO to benefit their brand, visibility and reach.

SEO Marketing Services

We will examine the issue of not having faith in marketing, lack of understanding and misconceptions of SEO, to understand why some educational institutions are resistant to implementing SEO into their marketing strategies.

“Are you curious to know how to increase your higher education institution’s online presence? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the go-to strategy to boost visibility and can have a huge impact on the success of your university. Here, we’ll explain why SEO is so vital for higher education institutions and share actionable steps you can take to improve rankings.”

Top SEO Tips

The answer lies here, But first, why is SEO so important for schools and universities?

● Simply put, search engine optimization gives your school the visibility it needs to reach more potential students and set your institution apart from the competition. SEO involves complex strategies and an in-depth understanding of search engine algorithms to ensure that your school’s content appears in search engine results when someone types in a relevant query.

● Think of SEO like a digital marketing tool — it allows you to create targeted campaigns that will reach the right students and make sure they’re aware of your institution’s educational opportunities. It also ensures that your institution stands out among the growing list of higher education providers, ensuring that potential students’ searches point them to your website.

● Additionally, SEO ensures you are providing quality content that can attract students and provide them with useful information while increasing conversions over time. By investing in SEO, you can increase the visibility of your higher education institution and gain a competitive edge in the market.

● By utilizing SEO tactics to improve your online visibility, your higher education institution can reach more potential students and grow your enrollment. Investing in SEO is key for higher education institutions to beat the competition and gain a larger share of prospective students.Plus, SEO tactics are cost-effective and have long-term benefits, meaning your marketing efforts will pay off in the long run.

“Yet, SEO involves complex strategies and an in-depth understanding of search engine algorithms. Hence, many universities are turning to SEO experts to make their online platform visible, informative and engaging. Search engine optimization for higher education institutions can become a complex task and requires expert knowledge to succeed. Many higher education institutions are now turning to professional SEO agencies to make sure their website is visible, informative and engaging.

Investing in SEO is key for higher education institutions to beat the competition and gain a larger share of prospective students.”

8 Reasons Why SEO is important for Higher Education Institutions

Here are the top 8 reasons why SEO is important for higher education institutions in 2024

01. Make a Technical Website Audit:

Technical SEO Audit

● A technical website audit is the first step you should take when you are trying to improve your digital presence. A website audit is an invaluable tool for any organization, especially for higher education institutions. An audit helps institutions discover any technical issues or errors that might be preventing their website from achieving its desired ranking. Additionally, an SEO website audit helps optimize SEO best practices and performance and aids in improving content visibility.

● Regular website audit ensures that your website complies with the latest SEO best practices. This audit should provide information about the technical components of the website architecture and its broken links, poor inter linking, content relevance Issues, page speed, keyword optimisation, fixing bad redirects, canonicalization issues. sitemaps, fixing coding errors, mobile responsiveness and structured data Markup etc. should all be checked and addressed to set the foundation for the website’s SEO efforts.

● You also get to understand which sections of your website need improvement. You need to make sure your higher education website is optimized properly, and the right keywords, titles, and meta descriptions are in place. All these issues can contribute to poor indexing and ranking in the search engine results pages and should be fixed promptly.This type of audit helps to create a solid platform for organic growth.

02. Analyze Competitor Information and Your Online Visibility:

Digital Marketing Competitive Analysis

● Higher education institutions should always keep an eye on competitors, not just in terms of search engine rankings, but also for related market trends. This includes spotting gaps in competitors’ SEO strategies, will give you insight into what SEO strategies are working, exploiting them to rank better than them in SERP.

● After the technical audit of the website has been completed, it is important to take a look at how the website is performing in comparison to its competitors. Utilizing various SEO tools such as “Google Search Console, Google Analytics 4, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz, Deep-Crawl, Screaming frog” tools can provide insight into how the website is performing in comparison to its competition. Additionally, many of these tools can provide insight into the online visibility of the website which is extremely important for SEO and can help in developing an effective SEO strategy. Comparing their website’s performance and backlink profiles can give a good overview of the competition level and point out any missed opportunities.

● Take into account data from search engines, website analytics, social media, and other sources to evaluate your school’s position in comparison to those of competitor colleges and universities. Understanding the strategies and analytics behind your competitors’ success will provide important insights into the direction you should take with your SEO efforts.

03. Perform Keyword Research & On-Page Evaluations:

Keyword Research & OnPage

● Keyword research can help determine what words and phrases are used when potential students are searching for academic programs on search engines. With the information acquired from keyword research, you can get more specific about SEO optimization for your school and create content to target better.

● Knowing what your competitor’s website is when it comes to researching target keywords and improving online visibility. It’s also beneficial to monitor your online visibility, as well as your competitors, in order to better understand how to increase your rankings. Analyzing your competitors’ activity can give you insight into how you can further build and optimize your own web presence.

● Conducting research into the target keywords for the website can provide important insights into the best words which should be used to optimize pages and content. Additionally, the keyword research can be used to inform on-page optimization of pages. This process should include optimizing page titles, headings, meta descriptions, alt-texts, and content and images. This is especially important for higher education institution websites since they must target students, parents, and educational institutions.

04. Mobile-Friendly Website for Schools & Colleges:

● Mobile-friendly websites are essential for higher education institutions, as many potential students will be using their mobile devices to access institutions’ websites. Ensuring that your website is optimized for mobile devices allows potential students to access information quickly and easily. It also improves the chances of students visiting your website, and increases the likelihood of them submitting a request for further information.

● With mobile-friendly SEO and responsive design being so important, Mobile usability should be included in the technical website audit to ensure that mobile users have a great experience on your site regardless of the device they are using.A mobile-friendly website should load quickly and be optimized for small screens.

05. Improve web pages:

Website Optimization

● Once all the technical evaluations are complete, it’s time to start improving other web pages, including the home page and other main pages on the website, site structure. This also includes optimizing the titles and meta descriptions of the main pages, reducing page loading times, and optimizing for local search terms, adding internal links, and improving the overall user experience.

● Bigger isn’t always better, but with website design, it should definitely be the goal. Improve the content and design of each page to give users the most relevant, up-to-date, and comprehensive information available.

06. Creating Valuable and Informative Content:

Content Marketing

● Content is one of the most important components of an effective search engine optimization strategy. Utilizing a blog and webpages to create informative, interesting and valuable content can help to improve user engagement and increase the website’s search engine rankings. Content should be written with the target audience in mind and should be optimized for keywords and phrases to make it easier for them to get the information they need.Additionally, the content should be linked to internal pages, third-party websites and social media profiles which can help to increase its reach.

● Your content should provide the answer to a prospective student’s questions and should keep them engaged throughout their journey to virtual and physical campus visits.

● Creating content that educates, informs and entertains can help attract attention and build trust. SEO for educational institutions should create valuable content, such as blog posts, case studies and infographics, to improve their visibility and rankings.

07. Measuring the Effectiveness of Your SEO Efforts:

SEO Efforts

● It’s important to track the performance of SEO for Educational Institutions to see how successful it is. Tracking metrics like organic visits, Click-through -rate, engagement, keyword ranking, time of page, bounce rate, dwell time, are key to ensure the SEO efforts are effective and should be monitored.

● Measuring the effectiveness of the SEO efforts is key to ensuring the strategy is effective. Utilizing tools such as Google Analytics, Google search console can provide valuable insight into the performance of the website as well as overall SEO progress. Additionally, utilizing tools such as SEMRush, Ubersuggest and Moz can help to determine the website’s keyword rankings and discover new opportunities for SEO optimization like tracking which keywords perform well and which ones need to be improved.

08. Use Link-Building Strategies:

Link Building Strategy

● Link building is an essential part of SEO for Educational Institutions should ensure they are using the right link-building strategies. Focusing on getting relevant links from the right sources and using the right keyword anchor texts in links will ensure the best SEO results and attract more potential students.

● Building quality links from other websites, such as within the student community, can help drive more traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings.

Boost Your Digital Marketing with Digital Marketing Agency: Why US – ITinfodigital?

Digital Marketing Agency

● Engaging with a digital marketing agency can be beneficial for higher education institutions as it can help to boost your online presence. ITinfodigital will be able to provide you with the expertise and understanding needed to create an effective marketing strategy and campaigns.

● Collaborating with our agency can be incredibly helpful when attempting to boost the effectiveness strategist of SEO for Educational Institutions. We can help to ensure that the organization is up to date on the latest SEO trends and can implement them in an effective manner. Additionally, ITinfodigital can help the organization to stay ahead of its competition and improve its overall visibility online.

● The key to increasing visibility among potential students is to use digital marketing agencies which have expertise in implementing SEO strategies effectively. We have the knowledge and resources to provide you with an extensive customized digital marketing package to take your Higher Education Institution to the next level.

● SEO requires a well-rounded digital marketing plan. This is especially important for higher education institutions who need to leverage various digital channels in order to reach and engage their target audience. Seeking Consultation is the ideal way to execute an effective and comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

● For higher education institutions, it can often be beneficial to partner with a professional digital marketing agency. They understand the complexities of SEO and how to deploy effective marketing strategies in the education industry. Consider bringing in a digital marketing expert if you need extra guidance or are looking for an opportunity to expand your SEO campaigns.

● We at ITinfodigital professional marketing agencies specialize in SEO for educational Institutions and can help you improve your website’s visibility. By engaging and consulting with us with your marketing goal, colleges and universities can create an effective strategy to boost visibility, traffic and lead conversion.


● To sum up, SEO is an essential component of any higher education institution’s marketing strategy. Employing the right techniques and strategies will help to ensure that the information on your website is accessible to potential students and that your institution stands out from the competition. It is recommended that Investing in SEO for educational institutions will optimize their website and help them reach their target audience effectively.

● Leveraging an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for higher education institutions is extremely important for increasing online visibility. Utilizing the best practices outlined above such as conducting a technical website audit, keyword research, content creation and link-building, organizations can work towards improving their website ranking and search engine optimization. Additionally, collaborating with a digital marketing agency can be incredibly helpful in optimizing the website for SEO and achieving the desired goals.

● It is evident that SEO for Educational Institutions is very important if they want to increase their digital visibility, reach a wider audience, and attract more potential students. SEO is not a one-time solution, but rather a continuous strategy that should be revised regularly to ensure they are providing the best experience to their students. With effective SEO strategies, Higher Education Institutions can be sure that they will be successful in gaining online visibility.

● SEO can have an enormous impact on your higher education institution by increasing visibility to potential students and providing value in the form of brand awareness and recognition. By making sure your school’s website is technically optimized, analyzing competitor data, focusing on keyword research, improving web pages, creating content, using link-building strategies, and partnering with a digital marketing agency, you can harness the power of SEO to achieve your goals.

● “FINALLY and most importantly, SEO is an essential component for higher education institutions to ensure their website is being seen and used by potential students, faculty members and other stakeholders”. With the right SEO strategies, schools and universities can improve the visibility and usability of their websites and attract more traffic. Employing the right digital marketing agency is also a great way to ensure your SEO campaigns are successful.

How to Increase Website Traffic Organically
15 December 2021 / Published in SEO

The success of any business lies in driving potential visitors towards the website over others by adapting some powerful or effective strategies. Apart from paid methods like display ads, Facebook advertising, and pay-per-click advertising, there are several natural ways to promote traffic on your website. This is preferred over inorganic due to the minimal cost involved and the speedy results. One of the most important strategies for organic traffic is SEO. With the right SEO strategy, you can generate high-quality traffic to your site. 

Let us quickly look into the most effective strategies that have proven effects on the real-time success of any business.

Create Quality Content 

Content is the key that drives online websites as clients find it engaging when they read your content. It, in turn, increases the traffic on the website, thereby promoting the business to the next level. Always remember to post catchy pictures and videos so that people are drawn towards the site. Clients always choose an updated website over others and see if the content is readable and reasonable. Make well-curated content to talk about your brand, and clients feel optimistic about investing their time and money in your website. This will increase the recognition of the brand by boosting the sales of the website.

Fix your content that is not Performing Well

If you post content and it is not gaining much popularity, take time to alter the content and repost it as it may affect the credibility of your website. Poor or uninformative content creates a negative image about your website, making them lose interest in your brand.

Look for New Keywords Opportunities

It is essential to determine the right keywords for the products you are selling on your website. Always choose keywords that would boost the website in the search engine. Look for keywords that specify the name and location of your website as a measure of driving more traffic towards the website. Go with keywords that are rarely used to keep your website different from the others.

Target Long-Tail Keywords at the Beginning

It is advisable to choose product-oriented keywords to make your content appear on top results in the Google search engine. Ensure you stick to long-tail keywords to quickly promote your website’s services on social platforms like Google. Choose product-related keywords that are unique to appear on top search results in Google.

Publish Blogs Regularly

Publish blog posts frequently on the website to drive the reader’s attention and more traffic towards the website. Some informative blogs can catch the reader’s interest and make them follow your website more often, tending to increase the views on Google. Post regularly but sensibly so that there is a zeal when the clients read your posts, making them feel affirmative about investing in your business.

Promote your Content on Social Media Platforms

Apart from producing engaging content, sharing them on social platforms is vital to improving its readability. Make sure you share the content on various platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote the products’ services and offerings and gain more viewers. This will create a unique identity for your website business on the internet. You can also share the website’s links over WhatsApp with friends and ask them to share with their known contacts to increase the brand awareness odd the website among the public.

Do Research about your Competitor

The success factor of any business lies in understanding the clients and their competitors for increased profitability. Also, surfing through the competitor’s website is equally important to create a unique style of content that would drive more potential visitors towards the site. If two websites provide the same services, then users get attracted to the website providing more information on their services. Even statistics have revealed that businesses that keep an eye on their competitors have likely been more profitable when compared to others.


ITinfo Digital specializes in organic traffic increasing services by catering to your website’s needs to rank it topmost on the search engine. We are customer-oriented and provide all the benefits that make an ideal customer satisfaction and make your website fly high among the competitors. The organic method is slow and steady to keep business thriving through various elements like skills, knowledge, and tools. It is a natural process of expanding the business with zero investment at the cost of your time. We understand every business progresses at a different pace and provide suitable strategies for the growth of the website in the thriving industry.

What is SEO Audit
17 November 2021 / Published in SEO

Have you invested lots of time and money in your website? But you’re not still getting organic traffic, and you don’t know what is preventing my site from ranking in search engines. 

For this, an SEO audit of your website is required, and that’s what you’re going to explore in this guide. 

What is a Website SEO Audit?

SEO audit is the technique of finding issues affecting the ranking of the site and fixing them to hold top positions in search engines. It is a health check of the site that will give you deep insights into your website to improve the overall performance in SERP.

SEO audit reveals the various issues such as content-related issues, design & structure issues, on & off-page issues, link building issues and technical issues. The SEO audit report gives a blueprint of steps that you have to take to resolve SEO issues.

Why is SEO Audit Essential for Websites?

A health check of a website is necessary, and it should be done at regular intervals to meet search engine requirements. The benefits of an SEO audit are

  • To hold Top positions in SERP – Do you want to reach more organic visibility? Yes! For this, you’ve to increase your website’s SEO score and make this happen; an SEO audit is essential. 
  • Search engine loves websites which loads faster because it gives better user experience. SEO audit finds speed related issues on your site and helps to fix them. 
  • It reviews your competitor’s website based on SEO to find what you can do to reach more audiences. 
  • It identifies on-page, off-page, and technical issues on your site to improve the performance and SEO score of a site and directly leads to generating more revenue. 

What Factors to Focus on Audit?

To get fruitful results, you need to focus on some major factors that directly impact a site’s SEO ranking. Following are the main factors to focus on during SEO auditing.

Design & Speed Audit

To know the usability, accessibility of your website, consider performing a design and speed audit. Speed audit will tell you the page load time, which elements are taking time to load, and many more website speed issues. Many websites take lots of time to load, which leads to low traffic. Both Google and user don’t give preference to low-speed websites. Speed audit helps to find out the factors taking time to load and improve these factors to reach more audience.

Next is the Design audit, and it helps to know what difficulties your potential audience is facing due to the website interface, organization and structure. It’s a great idea to make the website more attractive but keep in mind, design should be user and device friendly.

Content Audit

Content Audit is the process of evaluating the whole content based on KPIs (Key performance indicators). It gives you the following content insights of your website.

  • Best performing content 
  • Most engaging pieces of content on site
  • Which content is increasing bounce rate?
  • Identify duplicate content
  • Tells you what content is to generate next time
  • Which content is getting more lead conversion?
  • What type of content does your audience like, whether text, images, videos or infographics?

After performing a content audit, you will decide which content to keep, update and delete.

On-page Elements Audit

The on-page elements include:

  • The page title.
  • Meta description.
  • Alt tag.
  • Heading & subheadings.
  • Content structure & length.
  • Keyword density.
  • Media elements like images & video.
  • Internal linking and URL.

An on-page SEO audit evaluates all these elements and tells you how to optimize on-page elements to improve search engine rankings perfectly.

Optimize on-page elements with a keyword for which you want to rank in SERP. On-page optimization will help search engines to understand your content better.  

The On-page SEO audit analyses factors such as

  • Do your posts have a clickable and eye-catching title tag?
  • Is Meta description is SEO optimized and encouraging the clicks or not?
  • Do all the heading and subheadings are well-optimized?
  • Are your articles linking to another piece of content within your website?
  • Do images have an alt tag?

Technical Elements Audit

The next important check is the technical wellness of your website. It includes the elements such as redirection, broken links, robot.txt, canonical tags, sitemap, duplication, crawls errors, indexation, domain issues, device optimization, security issue and URL Structure. 

If your site is facing the issue of broken links, content duplication, crawling, and any other technical issue, it will drop your ranking in the search engine. To avoid this situation, always keep your eye on the technical elements of a site.  

The technical Audit will give you a complete analysis of your website to fix critical technical issues.

Link Analysis

Link building is another important factor that influences the ranking of a website. Link analysis evaluates all links that are pointing back to your website. Quality backlinks increase your site’s page authority (PA) and domain authority (DA), and you can rank for high competition keywords. On the other hand, low-quality backlinks have a negative impact and increase the site’s spam score. 

So, while making links to another website, link analysis is an important factor that ensures the quality of links on your site.

Tools Useful for SEO Audit

We have discussed different factors to focus on while performing an SEO audit. Are you excited to know how to perform an SEO audit of a site?

Luckily, you don’t need to check all these factors manually. To automate this process, various useful SEO audit tools are available in the market. Here is the list of the top 5 SEO audit tools.

  • Semrush (Premium version only but provides 7-day free trial)
  • Moz (Free and Pro version)
  • Woorank (Premium only but provides a 14-day free trial)
  • SEO Site Checkup (Premium only + 14-day free trial)
  • Screaming Frog (Free and Paid version)

If you’re getting no organic traffic or even facing downtime in traffic, then you should perform an SEO audit of your website. The search engine requirements are frequently gets changed. To meet the requirements of search engines, always keep your eye on search engine optimization (SEO). Moreover, with an SEO audit, you can check health, security, content & design issues and fix these issues to provide a better user experience. ITinfo Digital is a full-service Digital Marketing agency in Hyderabad, helping clients grow their business online with latest digital marketing strategies. Being an Expert in the Industry for the last 14 Years, We can Assure you of the best SEO Results, including SEO Audit and Other Reports. 

01 May 2021 / Published in SEO

Have you invested lots of time and money on your website? But you’re not still getting organic traffic and you don’t know what is preventing my site to rank in search engine. For this, an SEO audit of your website is required. That’s what you’re going to explore in this guide.

What is a SEO Audit?

SEO audit is the technique of finding issues that are affecting the ranking of the site and fixing them to hold top positions in search engine. It is a health check of the site that will give you deep insights into your website to improve the overall performance in SERP.

SEO audit reveals the various issues such as content-related issues, design & structure issue, on & off-page issues, link building issues and technical issues. The SEO audit report gives a blueprint of steps that you have to take to resolve SEO issues.

Why is SEO Audit Essential for Websites?

A health check of a website is necessary and it should be done at regular intervals to meet search engine requirements. The benefits of an SEO audit are

  • To hold Top positions in SERP – Do you want to reach more organic visibility? Yes! For this, you’ve to increase the SEO score of your website and to make this happen, SEO audit is essential.
  • Search engine loves websites which loads faster because it gives better user experience. SEO audit finds speed related issues on your site and helps to fix them.
  • It reviews your competitor’s website based on SEO to find what you can do to reach more audience.
  • It identifies on-page; off-page and technical issues on your site to improve the performance and SEO score of a site and which directly leads to generate more revenue.

What Factors to Focus on Audit?

To get fruitful results you need focus on some major factors which directly impact SEO ranking of a site. Following are the main factors to focus on during SEO auditing.

Design & Speed Audit

To know the usability and accessibility of your website consider performing a design and speed audit. Speed audit will tell you the page load time, which elements are taking time to load and many more speed issues of a website. Many websites take lots of time to load which leads to low traffic. Both Google and user don’t give preference to low-speed websites. Speed audit helps to find out the factors that are taking time to load and improve these factors to reach more audience.

Next is the Design audit and it helps to know what difficulties your potential audience is facing due to the website interface, organization and structure. It’s a great idea to make the website more attractive but keep in mind, design should be user and device friendly.

Content Audit

Content Audit is the process of evaluating the whole content of a website based on KPIs (Key performance indicators). It gives you the following content insights of your website

  • Best performing content
  • Most engaging pieces of content on site
  • Which content is increasing bounce rate?
  • Identify duplicate content
  • Tells you what content is to generate next time
  • Which content is getting more lead conversion?
  • What type of content your audience like whether text, images, videos or info graphics?

After performing a content audit you will be able to decide which content to keep, update and delete.

On-page Elements Audit

The on-page elements include the page title, meta description, alt tag, heading & subheadings, content structure & length, keyword density, media elements like images & video, internal linking and URL. On-page SEO audit evaluates all these elements and tells you how to perfectly optimize on-page elements to improve search engine rankings.

Optimize on-page elements with a keyword for which you want to rank in SERP. On-page, optimization will help search engines to better understand your content.

The On-page SEO audit analyses the factors such as

  • Do your posts have a clickable and eye-catching title tag?
  • Is Meta description is SEO optimized and encouraging the clicks or not?
  • Do all the heading and subheadings are well-optimized?
  • Are your articles linking to another piece of content within your website?
  • Do images have alt tag?

Technical Elements Audit

The next important check is the technical wellness of your website. It includes the elements such as redirection, broken links, robot.txt, canonical tags, sitemap, duplication, crawls errors, indexation, domain issues, device optimization, security issue and URL Structure.

If your site is facing issue of broken links, content duplication, crawling and any other technical issue then it will drop your ranking in search engine. To avoid this situation always keep your eye on the technical elements of a site.

The technical audit will give you a complete analysis of your website to fix critical technical issues.

Link Analysis

Link building is another important factor that influences the ranking of a website. Link analysis evaluates all links that are pointing back to your website. Quality backlinks increase the page authority (PA) and domain authority (DA) of your site and you can rank for high competition keywords. On the other hand, low-quality backlinks puts a negative impact and increase the spam score of a site.

So, while making links to another websites link analysis is an important factor that ensures the quality of links on your site.

SEO Audit Tools 

We have discussed different factors to focus on while performing an SEO audit. Are you excited to know how to perform an SEO audit of a site?

Luckily, you don’t need to manually check all these factors. To automate this process various useful SEO audit tools are available in the market. Here is the list of the top 5 SEO audit tools.

  • Semrush (Premium version only but provides 7-day free trial)
  • Moz (Free and Pro version)
  • Woorank (Premium only but provides a 14-day free trial)
  • SEO Site Checkup (Premium only 14-day free trial)
  • Screaming Frog (Free and Paid version)


If you’re getting no organic traffic or even facing downtime in traffic then you should perform an SEO audit of your website. ITinfo Digital SEO team will help with a proper SEO Audit and make your website rank on top with our SEO Services in Hyderabad.  The search engine requirements are frequently gets changed. To meet the requirements of search engine always keep your eye on search engine optimization (SEO). Moreover, with an SEO audit, you can also check health, security, content & design issues and fix these issues to provide a better user experience. 

Local SEO Strategies
05 September 2019 / Published in Local SEO, SEO

You must have heard a lot about Local SEO, one of the most critical aspects of digital marketing. However, we think it is right that, before shaking our heads and subscribing to popular opinion, we need to have a brief idea of What local SEO is and its relevance in today’s world. And how it affects businesses.

This article breaks down this information for you, giving you a clear idea of ​​why local SEO is so effective in online marketing and how it can help you grow your business.

What is Local SEO

Local SEO works to increase the visibility of your business in location-based searches. It is a variation of your traditional SEO and is to ensure that your business is found online by the people visiting that place.

These include searches with specific geographies such as city, state, postcode, near me keywords where Google selects a person’s geolocation and provides search results for that area.

Why Local SEO is Essential for Business

  • 72% of people who conduct a local search will visit a store within 8 Km.
  • Local Searches are more than 46% in Google
  • 900% growth has been recorded for “Near me, Nearby, Tonight, Today etc” keywords in 2 years
  • 78% of local mobile searches result in sales either in-store or online.
  • 56% of users search in online and offline to find their product/service.
  • 76% of users searching in local results mostly visit store in less than 24 hours
  • Position 1 of local search rankings get 24.46% CTR (Click Through Rate)

#1: Brand Visibility

Local SEO results are ranked above normal organic results for most queries. This helps in brand visibility in search results. Apart from this our brand will also be visible on Google Maps. Thus gaining higher brand recognition.

#2: Growth Website Traffic

As Local results are shown higher than organic results this helps in generating higher traffic to your website. As per reports the 1st position in local results and results in 24.4% CTR.

#3: Growth in Calls & Leads

Most of the users search and engaging with local results will be interested to directly contact the business owners. This lead to higher calls and conversions for your business.

#4: Growth in In-Store Visits

Most of the users prefer to visit the store which is under 8 KM. This help us to target nearby users and increase store visit. It also improves the directions to your customers in Google Maps.

#5: Growth using Google Ads Express

Business owners with own stores can advertise in Google Ads Express. This will help in generating quality results in low budget. Go to Google Ads Express to start your campaign.


We hope that you get answers to all your questions with this blog if still, you have questions regarding Local SEO then feel free to ask in the comments sections. We also offer Local SEO Services to help you grown your business.